October 31, 2001
This is what I'm talking about

In a recent article, Joel Silver has this to say about Keanu and the sequels:

"Having made a picture with Jet Li, I saw the level and amount of preparation he puts into his fight sequences. Staggering as it may be, I can say Keanu is 10 times what Jet Li has ever given to the screen," insists Silver.

"Keanu is a machine. Jet will shoot the fight sequences in small pieces.

"Keanu wants to do the whole fight with no breaks. He is absolutely relentless. Like the Wachowskis, Keanu wants to deliver what no one has ever seen before."

This is what I am talking about, people.
I am so proud to be a fan of his.
He makes me want to push my own limits.

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at 01:22 PM

I looked for some words to go with this, but there really are none....

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 11:11 AM
October 27, 2001

One of the many things I admire about Keanu Reeves is his physical dedication to a role.
I was going to say something about this when I did the crappy pictures from ET segment post, but I couldn't get a decent shot of the kick he did in the clip.
Anyway, this guy has got such a great......extension... is that what it's called?

It's really really nice....and are those special kung-fu booties?

I gotta get me a pair of those, they look hella comfy.

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at 01:13 PM
October 26, 2001
Keanu Art

I've also come across a bit of Keanu-inspired art.
There's an oil painting or two on eBay, but frankly, I'm not that impressed with them.

There are other examples that range from the ridiculous

to the sublime

Oh yeah, I have no particular comment on this.

But, if you were the type to get a big-ass gaudy Keanu tattoo, this would make an awesome one.

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at 03:11 PM

Well, I have been meandering around the web most of the morning and have a couple things to blog about.
Actually, I have more than a couple. I don't know where to start.

First off, I found an interview with photographer Chris Buck that has some Keanu content and a great picture. (I'm not sure if that is Chris with him in the pic or not)

I also found someone who did Keanu's astrological chart if you are into that kind of thing. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it's kind of interesting.

I also found this adorable picture

media spot | from inside the mind of krix at 01:09 PM | comments (0)
October 25, 2001
Dogstar at The Catalyst

Here's a nasty review of Dogstar's show at the Catalyst earlier this year.
It was obviously written by some bitter loser who couldn't get laid if he crawled up a chicken's ass.

Actually, it's a pretty funny read, and aside from his slams at Keanu's playing (he is actually a damn good bassist...trust me on this), a lot of what he says I can relate to.
I hate the crowds that come to Dogstar shows who have no intention of actually paying attention to the whole band.....And to throw yourself on stage at the poor guy who's just trying to play some rock....that's just sad.
And annoying to the rest of us that can't jump that high.

Anyway, there are some pictures.
I'm particularly fond of this one, from the main page:

Can we get this man another Corona, please?

dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at 07:07 PM
October 24, 2001
Dogstar Fans

This just in :

The Dogstar Fans web site has a new domain. www.DogstarFans.net
Started as an eGroup just over a year ago, Dogstar Fans is over 130 members strong. It's a great bunch and I am glad to be a member as well as a contributor to the "Daily Dogstar". I have made some great friends online there, and have some great memories of meeting some of them at shows.
My kudos and wishes for success go out to Lori, the founder of the group and creator of the Dogstar Fans site.


dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at 01:05 PM | comments (1)
October 23, 2001
Bill and Ted 3?

The Matrix Online has a Revisited review/preview that has a few spoilers if you are into that kind of thing.

Also, thanks to Keanuland, I hear there is some talk about a Bill and Ted 3 over at Ain't-it-cool-news.

This sounds like a very bad idea to me.
I'm all for a third Bill and Ted movie, but what I read here does not thrill me at all. Halloween theme? Just because a theme park attraction is popular?
I think that's the reason the last couple Batman movies sucked.
OK, not really. They sucked for completely different reasons.

The thought of Keanu making a token appearence and having the plot revolve around the kidnapping of Ted is just stupid. Are they thinking of making Chris Carter a co-writer? He sure did a bang up job of working The X-Files around Duchovny's absence......NOT.

I like the idea I heard tossed around a while back.
Bill and Ted in their 40's as a Las Vegas lounge act.
Now, THAT has potential for great comedy.
I even offer my services as a consultant.
Email me, Alex. I'll hook you up at The Glass Pool Lounge

cinema | from inside the mind of krix at 01:03 PM | comments (2)
October 20, 2001
T-Shirt Mania

Due to the fact that there is ZERO new news about Mr. Reeves out there, I am forced to find other things to blog about.
SO....given my obviously pathological need to show you what a loser I am, I have decided to share this with you.

Aren't you thrilled?

This is my meager collection of Keanu-related t-shirts. Hey, I wanted to collect something and for the most part, t-shirts are pretty cheap.
I figured "why not."
I like the movie promos or ones that were supposedly given to "crew" the most. If it wasn't available to the general public, I want it.
THIS GUY is my favorite seller.
I passionately covet one from Hamlet but there's no way I'm paying $100 (the current going price on eBay) for it.
A Burly Man Produtions (Matrix) one would be awesome, too. I'm not sure they even exist, however.
I like the shirts because they are practical. I can wear them, and I do.....If I get sick of wearing them I can use them to wash the car or something.

You may notice a DISTINCTIVE VOID in my little t-shirt display. (if not, look for the mint green 'X')
I got a shirt in the mail today, but unfortunately it was the wrong one.
This is the design that I wanted:

It's not a movie promo or anything, but it's made by some company called Serial Killer and when I wear it, all the little skateboard dudes will think I'm very phat or dope or something....*shrug*
I won't bother showing you what I got. (some lame Goodfellas design)
I'm sure the guy will fix the mishap.I just hope whoever got MY shirt doesn't fall in love with it and refuse to give it back.
That would make me quite sad.
I guess I'll just have to wait, which you all know, I really hate to do

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 03:59 PM | comments (1)
October 18, 2001
Captain Dick

Um...someone that calls himself Captain Dick *snark* has quite the collection of young actors with their shirts off.
He has a page of Keanu with a a few pictures, I rather like the first one of him kicking...
There's a bunch of lovely pictures of River, also.
Or if you just feel like browsing young men with their shirts off, you can go to *snicker* Captain Dick's Homepage
Frankly, I feel a little dirty after looking at this site...and not in a good way.

I'm guessing this guy isn't as much of a fan as he is a PERV....

So enjoy the pictures and take a shower afterwards.

I know I did.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 12:57 PM | comments (0)
October 17, 2001
Top Ten

Top Ten signs that your email buddy isn't really Keanu

10. Says he “discovered” you on a message board, chat room or newsgroup.

9. Email address is IamKeanu@hotmail,
ChuckSpidena@yahoo, or anything@AOL.

8. Forwards you links, jokes and chain email.

7. I.M.’s you with “what’s up, chicken butt?”

6. Quote from Hamlet in sig line.

5. Tells you that playing with Dogstar “R0X0R$”.

4. One word: EMOTICONS :o)

3. Asks you to send him homemade porn.

2. Actually types out the word “WHOA”.

...and the number one sign that your email buddy isn't really Keanu :

1. After a long day of working on The Matrix Reloaded, he has time to email YOU.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 12:54 PM
October 15, 2001

Here's your dilemma:

You get the chance to sit down and have a meaningful conversation with Keanu Reeves but you just know he's not going to give out any personal info or Matrix:Reloaded spoilers so what do you talk about?

You can fall back on Shakespeare I suppose.
But I bet he sees through that that particular contrivance by now.

My suggestion is that you brush up on your superstring theory repertoire.
And hey, even if you don't get to talk to Keanu, you can feed your brain and impress others, brainiac....

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 02:52 PM
October 14, 2001
Not The One

I saw a preview tonight for the new Jet Li film...
The One
excuse me???? I think someONE is mistaken.

There is only one The One

And what really sucks is that I would have gone to see this because I'm a geek for these kinds of effects-driven-martial-arts things now, but I am going to have to boycott it.
I mean, I can understand that the concept is great for a film. But they could have called it something else.
Maybe this doesn't bother anyone else but me, I don't know....

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at 07:45 PM
Two Neos Cont'd

A glaring example of the interconnectedness of things

It took the Buddha to make peace between the Neos.

This little silver Buddha was smuggled out of Thailand especially for me.
(I'm not trying to be dramatic, what was told to me is that it is against the law for images of Buddha to be taken from the country.
Of course, the alleged smuggler could have just been telling me that to make the gift more interesting and thereby getting me into the sack....it didn't work)
In any case, it's from Thailand and I JUST put it on my monitor last night.
This morning, it says in the newest Dogstar Newsletter that the band might be playing a gig in Thailand this December.

COINCIDENCE??? I think not.

My moods also effect the weather....more on that later.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 12:44 PM
October 13, 2001
Tale of Two Neos

Martial Arts (Dojo) Neo just came in the mail and Lobby Scene Neo is none too thrilled with it.
They can't seem to be able to share the top of my monitor peacefully.
I'm almost certain I heard Dojo mutter "pasty" under his breath at one point, and Lobby seems to have quite the 'tude...

OK, I'm not THAT insane.

But since my car seems to have an oil leak, maybe I'll stay home tonight and get really drunk and break out the digital camera for some kind of bizzare Keanu Doll photo drama.

Haha...you think I'm joking, don't you?

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 12:41 PM | comments (0)
October 10, 2001
Dojo Neo

If you're like me and really really really really want a spiffy new 12" Neo...
(Yeah, I know...we'd ALL like the 6'1" version....)
But if you want something to stuff your own stocking with this year ...*smirk*
then ebgames.com (put "matrix" in the search box) has got real world Neos and chop socky hottie Dojo Neos

for MUCH less than I have found them elsewhere....there's a few Trinity and Morpheuses ( Morpheii?) there, too.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 12:39 PM | comments (0)
October 08, 2001

I wonder how long I have been listening to stuff by the Deftones and thinking it was The Catherine Wheel?
I am SO out of touch musically.

I do thank Mr. Reeves for introducing me to Liz Phair, I bet she saw a notable surge in sales of Exile in Guyville recently.

I share his love of the Ramones and the Pixies, but I'm sorry, the Joy Division stuff I have heard just blows.
Maybe you have to play bass or something, or maybe I just heard bad songs...::shrug::
Reeves will have to point me to the good stuff one of these days.

I need to buy all my old favorite music again. Everything I had has slowly disappeared or melted in the summer sun.

And there's no good radio here anymore

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at 12:30 PM | comments (0)
October 05, 2001
No Forward

Once every couple of months or so, I get email that is intended for Mr. Reeves.
I guess I need to put one of those disclaimer things on the final version of the site.
I'm not sure how people make this mistake, but it happens.
I always feel badly when I have to write someone back and say
"Sorry, I am not the person this was intended for, and I don't know how to reach him."
I try to explain that I am just a fan....just like them.
It's too bad I don't have a forwarding address, because I have read some truly sweet and wonderful things that were intended for his eyes only.

There's a lot of love out there.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 03:27 PM | comments (0)

Gloria Foster, known to many of us as The Oracle, has died.

She was 64 years old and her death was caused by diabetes.

As I read her obituary, I was struck by the fact that she had a long, successful career way before
The Matrix was even a concept.
I guess already there are concerns about how her passing will affect production of the sequels.

All I can say is that the american stage lost a great, great gift today.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 11:00 AM | comments (0)
October 04, 2001
SEX and Music

I can play guitar but I'm hardly a musician

Have you ever dated a musician?

Have you ever noticed that the "really into the jam" face looks A LOT like a "really into the sex" face?

It does.

I'm just sayin......

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at 12:33 PM | comments (0)
eBay addiction

"Hello, my name is Krix, and I'm an eBay addict...."

Actually, I'm a lot better now.
I started out just wanting to get some OOP (out of print) videos. But then I really needed that beautiful poster from Hamlet. I got a little crazy for a while there, it seemed like I always had a bid in on something.
And I am the type of person who really hates to lose, so I got very competitive with my bidding.
I remember the first time I was "sniped" I think it was for the script to Sweet November.
GAWD, I was pissed! I screamed and screamed and screamed.
I set boundries for myself.
No magazines or clippings.
No pictures unless they were different or "rare" (I got a couple of those black and white promos like they send to the press.)
No snowglobes or that kind of stuff, either.
A few of my "had to have" things were the Bill and Ted dolls, a really cool poster from Dogstar at the Fillmore, and Keanu's director's chair canvas from Feeling Minnesota.
I don't know why besides the fact that it's a one-of-a-kind type thing but I had to have that.
My "HOLY GRAIL" of Keanu memorabilia is his smiley-face jacket from Bogus Journey.
Every once in a while, some movie wardrobe comes up and for the most part it goes for WAY more than I am willing to spend.
Especially because I'm not looking for an "investment" that I am gonna frame or whatnot.
If I got a piece of clothing that had been in contact with him,....... fuck yeah, I'm gonna WEAR it.
So, one day, I'm searching eBay, not for Keanu, but for Bill and Ted....and I couldn't believe it.
The jacket was up for auction.
I call one of my closest keanuphile friends and say "Guess what's up for sale on eBay?"
She says, "The jacket...."
Many screams from each end of the line.
So I decide to bid on it. I email the seller and basically he tells me that it's one of SEVERAL from the movie, and was one that was rigged for some pyro effects. On closer inspection, I see that it has a couple holes and frankly wasn't all that well taken care of.
So basically it may or may not have actually been ON him....but at this point I'm already emotionally committed to the fact that the ONE thing that I REALLY REALLY want (or at least a facsimile of) could be mine.
I tried talking the seller into letting me have it for $100 above the starting bid and closing the auction early.
He wouldn't go for it.
So, I went ahead and bid....about 2 days before the end of the auction.
I checked it religiously....no bids....only me....things were looking good.
I only told a couple people what I was doing , and I hadn't told them the whole story that .."Well it may just be a stunt jacket" because it was INSANE of me to be paying so much for this thing, and I knew it.
As I watched the last minutes of the auction, refreshing the page over and over ......you guessed it.
OH, it was painful.
At least they were sporting enough to not do it in the last SECONDS so I had the chance to re-bid.
Which I stupidly did.
However, in the end..... I lost.
Now...... IF it had been a genuine Reeves' sweat-soaked one-of-a-kind loss, I have to say I would have been destroyed.
But after the initial personal insult of simply LOSING I have to say I was actually relieved.
It was quite a roller-coaster of emotions, though.

And now that I know that there are several of these jackets that exist, I hold out hope that someday I will have the chance to get a GENUINE Ted jacket.
What I REALLY want is the black and grey one that "dead" Ted wore.
Who knows where THAT is.

My eBaying has slowed down for the most part.
But I still keep an eye on the Keanu listings.
My weakness is for T-shirts. Either promo or crew ones, that aren't mass produced general public type things.
I just spent too much on a Replacements one today, but it'll be worth it when it comes it the mail.

Like christmas.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at 12:21 PM | comments (0)
October 02, 2001
I Love This Guy

The best part of the AOHell chat with Keanu on 9/10/01:

AOLiveMC11: Well, since you're thinking back about when you were a kid, could you tell us maybe the most embarrassing moment from your younger or teenage years?

Keanu Reeves: No.

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at 12:18 PM | comments (4)