October 08, 2001

I wonder how long I have been listening to stuff by the Deftones and thinking it was The Catherine Wheel?
I am SO out of touch musically.

I do thank Mr. Reeves for introducing me to Liz Phair, I bet she saw a notable surge in sales of Exile in Guyville recently.

I share his love of the Ramones and the Pixies, but I'm sorry, the Joy Division stuff I have heard just blows.
Maybe you have to play bass or something, or maybe I just heard bad songs...::shrug::
Reeves will have to point me to the good stuff one of these days.

I need to buy all my old favorite music again. Everything I had has slowly disappeared or melted in the summer sun.

And there's no good radio here anymore

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at October 08, 2001 12:30 PM .
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