November 08, 2003
Guess what tomorrow is?

Tomorrow is's 2nd birthday!
Yep, on November 9th, 2001 I finally became a dot com. I had a wallpaper site on Geocities for a while before that and technically started blogging on the old blogspot blog in September, moved to Movable Type the following May...yadda yadda, so in order to avoid confusion (and also domain expiration is a handy reminder), November 9th is the official day to celebrate.

How am I going to celebrate? By taking the day off and letting you supply the content.

From now until sometime tomorrow (let's say noonish, my time PST) I will take submissions of wallpapers, digital collages, other edits (including arty ones like the one from Shelly of below or silly ones like these magazine spoofs), drawings, poetry, lyrics/song parodies or anecdotes (as in "the funny thing my friends and I did to get a Neo standee from Blockbuster" or "The time I loaned Keanu my lighter outside the Viper room").

sunshine by shelly

Submission guidelines below....

Send all submissions to KEANUVISIONARY@AOL.COM. Put the word "birthday" in the subject line. Please do not send to my regular email.

Sending images:

Sending poetry, etc:

Also since birthdays are also all about the presents, I'm going to go through my stuff and find some things to give away. For sure there will be a couple Quattro Formaggi CDs and some Bill and Ted trading cards.

If anyone has questions about submissions, leave a comment.
Please hold your birthday greetings until tomorrow.

the site | from inside the mind of krix at November 08, 2003 12:35 PM .

Also, if you have a digital camera and just want to send a pic of you/your cat/your Neo doll/whatever with a little sign that says something ("2 more years!" "Happy Birthday Keanuvision" "Krix, I just wet my pants!") that would also be cool.

Posted by: krix on November 8, 2003 02:28 PM

is the dead line absolutely set? by which i mean can stuff be submitted a little after your deadline of noon on sunday?
btw, congrats. love this site.

Posted by: chinadrgn on November 9, 2003 01:33 AM

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY KEANUVISION... YOU ROCK!! MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE TO COME.. love your site.. have it bookmarked.. and come daily to visit.. thanks for the humor.. the intelligence and the artwork and articles.. you absolutely ROCK!!

Posted by: Janice on November 9, 2003 05:35 AM

Of course noonish is flexible.

Thanks janice :)

Posted by: krix on November 9, 2003 07:34 AM

Happy Birthday!

Posted by: V. on November 9, 2003 10:17 AM

My pleasure :)

Posted by: Janice on November 9, 2003 10:48 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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