November 02, 2003
Sunday is for cocktails

It's noon somewhere! (pic from the daily thud)

I'm getting ready to go meet Marcie of Dogs Don't Purr at Quark's Bar for some midday cocktails of the Romulan Ale variety. I might be smuggling little co-pilot Neo in to intimidate some Klingons.

I would take Lobby or Dojo, but they are too busy mocking and playing mind games with Real World Neo, aka "Dickie" for his bad hair and worse fashion sense.

I would have introduced "Dickie" (a cruel nickname, foisted on him by Lobby due to his cheesy sweater design) sooner, but he really hasn't integrated well with the boys and frankly, we like to not air our little family dysfunctions in public.

Anyhoo, how about a couple links?

Thanks Joy for letting me know that E! online has a whole lotta Matrix and Keanu goin' on, and here's another article that I haven't even read for for fear of spoilage (I'll come back and click it on Wednesday). I like the title though, "Keanu's Hard Drive", because you know.....I'm twelve (insert "software" joke here).

And now, I'm off to go drinking and schmoozing.

it wahs , the site | from inside the mind of krix at November 02, 2003 11:00 AM .

Hope you and co-pilot Neo have a great time! You deserve it: the last 3 posts have made my weekend! You are sooooo good to those of us who stop in regularly. :-)

Posted by: Tawny on November 2, 2003 11:48 AM

"have fun!"

Posted by: Keanuette on November 2, 2003 12:01 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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