July 10, 2003
blog, exciting and new

I FINALLY got my keyless remote installed on the Station Wagon, so it's like having a new car all over again, but that's not what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about the lovely things that skits did by upgrading the blog for me.

There is a new self-propelled search box in the sidebar that should come in handy if you know you saw a post about something or other but don't want to wade through the archives looking for it.

But, if you do want to wade through the archives, you can do it by date, by category or you can go to the main archive page, which lists every freaking entry by title.
OR you can go to the category archive listing, which breaks every freaking entry down by category, and lists them by title and date.

This is entry #999, by the way. How insane is that?

And you'd think that I'd be working on making the next one special, but I'm really not

And look at the comment count! You all fucking rock.

Speaking of comments, life would be perfect if I could figure out how to make cookies stick in my pop-up comments again, but I can not.

The good news is, there is now limited html allowed in the comments, so if you want to make something bold or italic or link a word, you can. Providing you know your tags. If you don't, don't worry about it, URLs are still auto-linked provided they start with "http" and *this* will always suffice when emphasis is needed.

I'm pretty sure that MT 2.64 has some other nifty features as well, but I've been futzing with this thing all day and it's just a matter of time before I break something so I'm going to quit while I'm ahead.

the site | from inside the mind of krix at July 10, 2003 04:43 PM .


Posted by: Tyler on July 10, 2003 06:36 PM

LOL @ Tyler


I can get MT on my new server, so I'm toying with the idea of changing over, but I'm a little scared...

Posted by: Keanuette on July 11, 2003 10:53 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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