August 03, 2005


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): The average person throws out 19 pounds of garbage per week. Between now and August 24, however, you have license to exceed that figure by a large margin. In fact, Virgo, the cosmos would love you to carry out a Great Purge. So take full advantage of this opportunity to lighten your load. Get rid of every last scrap of dross and clutter, give away anything that has outlived its usefulness, and unburden yourself of outmoded necessities that have been sitting untouched in a closet or storage unit for more than a year. As much as you possibly can, free yourself of the unnecessary residues of your past.

I'm sure glad he freed himself from that haircut.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at August 03, 2005 03:10 PM .

"freeing yourself of the unnecessary residues of your past"...good plan for all signs of the zodiac...

Posted by: ARYA on August 4, 2005 07:51 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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