February 27, 2004
Catz Rawks

Well hell. My last audblog didn't post. It will probably show up later, five times or something....

Anyway, Catz so rocks. \m/

After dinner we were in the gift shop and they had the CUTEST SOFTEST stuffed bears. I swear, these things are made with the pubic hair of angels. So we both stood there fondling them for a few minutes, and Catz is so cool that she bought one for us both (I'm using the pic for the audblog image).

So we're like beanie bear buddies now. Hee!

We had a great dinner and I'm so annoyed that I'm sick and we didn't get to spend the whole evening having fun. I dropped her and her boy off at the Bellagio and I had to come home and put some Vicks on my throat and crawl into bed (sexy, no?).

But we're already planning a road trip or something as soon as an opportunity comes up.

Anyway, I'm off to bed.


tribe | from inside the mind of krix at February 27, 2004 09:10 PM .

Sorry to hear your not feeling well krix. Sounds like you had fun despite the cough. Beanie bear buddies ... how cute is that! You guys are so lucky to live a road trip away from a becky show! I'm sure there'll be more shows in the near future. I'm so jealous!

Posted by: sta-cie on February 27, 2004 10:49 PM

For some reason, I see rollerskates and motorcycles...

Posted by: Tabitha on February 28, 2004 01:14 AM

Vicks can be very sexy. Don't you remember the time Monica seduced Chandler by tipping her head way back and slowly rubbing Vicks all over her chest? ;^)

Posted by: Smit too on February 28, 2004 05:31 AM

Sweet! so glad you could have a little fun before collapsing. I want to see the Catz Goes to Vegas! wallpaper...

And Catz + Krix + road trip. Oh my. Watch out!

Posted by: bakednudel on February 28, 2004 06:26 AM

Roadtrip...oh my...watch out!

Posted by: shelz on February 28, 2004 08:13 AM

HEll YA!! ROAD TRIP!! We'll have to get a video camera and we'll take the "orgasim influence" Beanie Bears...
Okay now I am going to buy a damn cell phone... that way Krix can find me where ever I am in Vegas and I can audblog too.. I am soooo behind the times...
*sends Beanie Bear Buddie healing to Krix*

Posted by: Catz on February 28, 2004 10:40 PM

ROAD TRIP: You guys are so lucky to live "kinda" close. It's a trip but if you drove from my house, it would take up to 3 days (if you do not drive through the night). Hmmm, how can I plan a flight (to save biggie bucks) when Becky schedules like a week ahead? HELP! And then, may not even be able to get in. Too much money I haven't got to take a chance. Oh, cruel, cruel world.

Posted by: epiphany on March 2, 2004 04:39 PM
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