April 17, 2003
Charmed, I'm sure...

Skits points out this nifty site where you can build-your-own charm bracelet.

What a fun idea. I'm trying to figure out the charms to choose for a Keanu-themed bracelet.

Let's see...

-the praying hands, for that gesture he does that I love so much
-wine bottle , because he's a connosiuer
-hockey player or surfer? maybe one of each
-movie camera or movie ticket stub
-maybe a computer and red and blue beads for red and blue pills

There are two pages of charms with some picture examples.

Any ideas?

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at April 17, 2003 02:54 PM .

So cool! I would choose a necklace, which reminds me of the fetish necklaces of Native Americans. I would pick the hockey player, wine w/two glasses, movie camera, guitar, motorcycle and the coconut tree with the man sitting under it - to represent "solitude."

Posted by: Chianti on April 17, 2003 03:22 PM

Oooh, good choices. Definitely the motorcycle.

Posted by: krix on April 17, 2003 03:25 PM

How about the spoon? As long as you don't keep trying to bend it (nyuk)! What about a guitar, dogbowl, or dog for the band? Could put a "star" next to the other charm. Sheesh, look at the things I do in my spare time...
thanks for the great idea about the charms! I'm counting my pennies so I can plan one too....

Posted by: T on April 17, 2003 03:51 PM

how about a baby cause I *so* think you should have his babies ;)

*mwah* girlie

Posted by: gnome-girl on April 17, 2003 04:06 PM

Krix, don't you know that a true *lady* should wear nothing but diamonds?

-Hmpf, maybe that phrase explains why I never wear them ;-) I didn't see all of them, but if you can design them yourself, I suggest you go for a mini-tub, filled with ice! :-D That has a practical use, too, it should come in handy when you watch Reloaded for the first time & are in desperate need of something to cool down before the theater's fire-alarm goes off ;-)

Posted by: Julie on April 17, 2003 04:24 PM

Ooooh, I swear if you click on the lady's necklace (blue link that says Necklace on the page), there's a freaking boot on it!!! Now, what is Keanu without his beloved boots?? :) I'd also pick the baseball cap (for Hardball), the figurine of a dog and then next to that a star (for Dogstar heh!) ;) and I'm really liking the LOVE charm! 'Cause I loooovvvveee Keanu, along with about a billion other people! :) I also agree with the choices of motorcycle, guitar and movie camera! Too cool!

Posted by: Natasha on April 17, 2003 04:43 PM

Oooh, oooh, I also want to add the backpack ('cause Keanu's always on the go) and the cellphone & laptop are sooo NEO. ;) I know Keanu likes France, so maybe the Eifel Tower too? Or the horse one, 'cause he says he'd like a horse or two someday (along with the dog, the house and the wife) ;) See, now my imagination is running amok... I guess that can be a good thing though? No? Maybe?

Posted by: Natasha on April 17, 2003 04:51 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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