August 11, 2002
Have I mentioned...


Or rather, BlogCon is coming to me.
In less than two weeks, bloggers from everywhere will be coming to Las Vegas.

Bloggers gettin' married, bloggers gettin' shaved, bloggers gettin' drunk and nekkid in the dancing waters at the Bellagio!

It's a very exciting time.

tribe | from inside the mind of krix at August 11, 2002 11:11 AM .

Could you please explain all this "blogging" and what exactly is a "blog" etc. I've heard everyone talking about it here and there on line, but I've yet to discover exactly what it is. Please be kind to my poor idiot soul!

Posted by: resident idiot on August 11, 2002 01:04 PM

You're soaking in it, silly!!

Girlfriend, your graphic ROOOOLZZZ!!!

See you in a coupla weeks! I'm EVERYWHERE!!!!

Posted by: hoopty on August 11, 2002 02:30 PM

Hoopty's right, resident.
This is a weblog or "blog".
All the links under the "ADVENTURE" title over there on the right are blogs. Kind of like an online journal. But different. I blog Keanu news (mostly, with a dash of my life thrown in)Some people blog politics and news and their opinion on the world, others blog the daily minutae of their lives and their thoughts. Some people blog about Blogging! Some are wacky, like *Hoopty*, some are inspiring, some are just being themselves and it's all good.
I hope this helps explain it a little.

Posted by: krix on August 11, 2002 04:29 PM

resident, go here for a much better explaination than what I give above..

Posted by: krix on August 11, 2002 10:36 PM

Thanks for clearing that up for me! Now I'm off for more blogging!

Posted by: resident idiot on August 12, 2002 04:32 AM

OMG. I'm so psyched for this. I can't wait! Vegas, baby! Vegas!

Posted by: skits on August 12, 2002 11:06 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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