July 10, 2002
Dances with Films

Thank You, Goodnight, the indy film project that Bret Domrose has a part in, will be shown in the Dances with Films festival in Santa Monica on Friday, July 12. If you live in the Los Angeles area, go check it out.

Bret plays "Jim", the drunk bass player, which is very funny to me. Wonder if Reeves gave him any pointers?

Thanks to "Jack-n-Coke", over at the Dogstar Message Board for the tip.

Speaking of independent films, I'm way late in congratulating C.C. for his buttload of REwind movie award nominations. Including Best Director. You can check out his masterpiece : Inquisition on DVD soon.

I can't bitch about not having the opportunity to catch cool events like film festivals. We just had CineVegas here, and did I go? Nope, didn't even know it was going on until it was too late.
I'm such a loser.
I gotta start reading the paper.

tribe | from inside the mind of krix at July 10, 2002 12:40 AM .
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