April 15, 2002
Kiefer, Keanu and Ko-stars

Oh, my my MY.
You know, I'm really trying not to lust after this Kiefer Sutherland guy, but it's so ...SO ehem...hard not to..
This is from the current Esquire mag that I will be racing out to get shortly...Rwowrrrrr

I mean, really.
He's just asking for it.

By the way, Dennis Hopper joins the Jack Bauer Power Hour tomorrow night.
That makes 5 Keanu ko-stars, including Kiefer.
For those of you keeping score, Al Leong, John Hawkes, and Tamara Tunie are the others.
I'd sure like to see Keanu do a guest spot on 24 next season. Something gritty.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at April 15, 2002 12:38 PM .


Posted by: krix on March 19, 2003 08:54 PM
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