February 17, 2005


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): "People change and forget to tell each other," mourned playwright Lillian Hellman. I bring this thought to your attention, Virgo, because at least one of your relationships now fits this description. It's at a pivotal point when the accumulated changes you have both undergone can no longer remain unspoken. To avoid becoming irrelevant to each other, you must communicate the backlog of truth now. (P.S. I suspect there are actually two relationships like this.)


it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at February 17, 2005 03:15 PM .

thanks for the Bowie shout-out...changes indeed. I'll be watching with interest...

Posted by: Nudel on February 17, 2005 06:29 PM

Hey, krix! =) Long time, no see. *giggles*

Oh, and about Keanu. I've talked to him. Really. *nods* There's a WB chat thingy with him and Francis Lawrence. I won the tickets. So yeah. The transcript can be found over at the Straight to Hell website. When you see "ceres_666" in the transcript, that's me. LOL

=) *stares at the pic*

Posted by: Jonna on February 17, 2005 06:40 PM

back log is right!!!!!

avoiding irrevelance....
focusing on loveandlight

and visiting LA!
in a keanu way!

consstantine needs a little attention...
wanstantine can do....
except when i 'm a geek and a dorrk... like now!

it's just that when i'm traveling i can't work out and i have to find a good computer, which i have now found a great new place on hollywood blvd...and i had to get sheerr pantyhose for my outfit which was black!

first... it was relly fun seeing krix and v for the valentines showing of constatantine...not to mention the great talk by francis afterward...and that reevesiuabn guy on the screen... ont he screen off the screen....

then to see it aagin in wednesday was a really special treat.... keanu and his family are really nice and at the same time very regal...

there was a great air of expectancy in the theater and we sat next to some people from mtv who really liked the movie... we all do!

we're off to see becky now ....
tommorrow in la dinner sushi at cafe sushi
and more constantine!

Posted by: wanda on February 17, 2005 07:11 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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