June 03, 2004
I bet if there were goth camgirls involved he would have LOVED it

So after quite a bit of waiting to hear what former Hellblazer writer Warren Ellis thought of the Constantine script (he teased that he'd read it months ago), he finally gets to it over at Millarworld. There's a quote and discussion over at the HB forums. It's spoilery so I won't post it here, but I will tell you that he didn't think much of it. Which is not suprising, really. It's already been established that Hollywood has worked over the thing pretty thoroughly and that Hellblazer purists weren't going to be pleased. I even voiced concern about Akiva "Let's make it a giant mechanical spider!" Goldsman being involved. But after reading various things from director Francis Lawrence and others involved with the project and seeing the trailer, I still feel pretty good about the fact that I, along with the general moviegoing masses, will enjoy the film.

In other bad Constantine news, it's RUMORED that the UK/European release may be months later than February. I hope that isn't true.

Oh, and shout out to Ade and another Just1Page interview.

constantine | from inside the mind of krix at June 03, 2004 11:48 AM .

imdb says the UK release date is 18/03/2005 [thats the 18th March for you non Brits :p]. I hope they don't push it back any further. I'll go crazy.

I need to see this film.

Posted by: Keanuette on June 3, 2004 12:31 PM

...and let's see... I used to be a teenager... keanu gets my vote!!!!

Posted by: wanda on June 3, 2004 12:53 PM

"it's RUMORED that the UK/European release may be months later than February"

well, but that‘s just so normal. let‘s say it happens more often this way rather then a movie comes out at the same time as it is does in usa. i read somewhere else the movie would make it into german theaters one day before it comes out in usa, so i thought "what‘s going wrong on this planet…?"

they have to translate the movie in all these other languages what will take it‘s time (btw. how I loved The Matrix in english with icelandic subtitles). I consider the real complicate thingy is the translation from american english into british english… that might be rough! ;-)

whatever rembering the comic, this movie should have his very first entry in london, I think!

Posted by: creezy on June 3, 2004 12:58 PM

Thanks Warren. Thanks so much.

Posted by: Chianti on June 3, 2004 01:41 PM

Wanda, I think you're in the wrong thread...LMAO

Posted by: Keanuette on June 3, 2004 02:03 PM

right... i know... oops... it was the grand marnier...tee hee!!! aawwww you noticed!!!!!!hugs

Posted by: wanda on June 3, 2004 03:01 PM

This is typical of the movie industry in general. They can never take any kind of literature and turn it into a movie without twisting it into unrecognizable shapes. I'll never forget what they did with Jane Austen's "Mansfield Park." My God. And what Susan Sarandon did with "Little Women" has earned her my undying enmity.

But I'm not a Hellblazer fan, I'm a Keanu fan, so I don't care what they did with this one. LOL!

Posted by: Smit too on June 3, 2004 03:29 PM

Krix - remember, you'll always be *my* goth-camgirl... :P

and i think they most certainly plan on cashing in on Keanu during the summer in Europe. Which poses an interesting question - is Keanu considered a bigger star in the US, or Europe?

Posted by: Rogan on June 3, 2004 05:38 PM

It looks to me to be equal Rogan...I think he's pretty BIG everywhere. But anytime you talk about Keanu or one of his movies they always call him "that guy from The Matrix...or Bill and Ted" cuz even though they know his name, they can't pronounce it LOL!

Posted by: shelz on June 4, 2004 09:58 AM

Good question! And could be answered to every different european country in a different way, I guess.

Posted by: creezy on June 4, 2004 12:47 PM

actually, i meant to imply that keanu's probably bigger in Europe than in the states... in the states, a keanu flick *can* and *will* bring in the cash, but if put up with some heavy summer competition, it might falter financially. But, in Europe, which'll probably have to wait a few months to get the Yank summer hits, it might be the perfect summer blockbuster. I think Matrix (the 1st flick) raked more cash in Europe in cinemas, than in USa... though, you girls probably know the figures by heart, and will prove me wrong...

Posted by: Rogan on June 5, 2004 06:05 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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