May 15, 2003
last night's voicemonkeying

Once again, thank you to Hugh from Voicemonkey.
Here are my calls to the blog last night. They aren't terribly interesting, but what the hell.

from the parking lot
waiting for Jo
still waiting
in line
in the theater waiting
harassing a stranger
one last short one

I just lisened to them all. I'm so dorky.

it wahs , phoned in | from inside the mind of krix at May 15, 2003 10:37 PM .

The "harassing a stranger" one was terribly amusing, although the "aftermath" sounded strangely similar to what I was saying when I came out of the theater.

Posted by: Illusionaire on May 16, 2003 12:44 AM

I'm ready for my third time...Liked the Oracle scene immensely. I thought it was fun to hear someone else voicemonkey all of our excitement out loud! Funny-I got so wrapped up in reading the comments on your great blog that I didn't notice the time and was 45 min late to my second screening (already saw it once, thank Dog)of the movie!! Aahhrrggg! But it turned out that "things happen for a reason" and they let me see the next show free in the bigger theatre with better sound--- so you made things turn out even better. Hey, if anybody taped the Charlie Rose interview, I would love a copy!!! I was out of tapes that night and now am bummed. It was an excellent show.It showed how tight that cast is with each other and how doing a project like that really can be a life-altering experience.

Posted by: T on May 16, 2003 07:50 AM

The aftermath one had me in stiches!!

Posted by: C.C. on May 16, 2003 12:26 PM
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