February 14, 2003
Ass Happy Valentine's Friday Day

A little something special...

click for larger pic

And in the guise of "creating a tradition", when all I really want to do is relive the moment, I celebrate the fact that Valentine's day is the first (and only) time I've communicated with Keanu Reeves.
OK! ok, so it was in an AOL chat, but give me something, eh? All I got this year was a Bromeliad from my dad.

Mr. Moviefone:It looks like Matrix-something (note: that would be me, MTRXHZU) says:
"Thanks for spending part of your Valentine's Day with us, Keanu. Would you consider yourself a romantic?"

Keanu Reeves: Yeah.

Mr. Moviefone: How?

Keanu Reeves: Not only in romance, but there's a certain part of me, especially coming out of a lot of like the kind of -- if you consider the tragedy of "Hamlet" or Romeo and Juliet, in the kind of melancholic aspect, and in romance, being with someone and saying, "Let's go. Let's get out of here." Impromptu acts or letters or phone calls or paying attention to what they like or love, and surprises, all those kinds of things to me are -- if you're in that situation, are quite fun to not only give, not only to receive, but also to give, you know.

Mr. Moviefone: All the young girls are crying over their computers right now. They're broken down, weeping.

Sigh...good times, good times.

And here's a couple Valentine links, thanks to Rhonda~

The Love Quiz

Six Degrees of Movie Kisses

There's a little Keanu content in both.

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at February 14, 2003 08:59 AM .

*mwah* Happy V-day, baybee!

Ass Friday AND Valentine's. What more could a girl ask for? ;)

Posted by: skits on February 14, 2003 09:37 AM

krix, that is so awesome. *mwah* happy valentines day!!

Posted by: kat on February 14, 2003 09:47 AM

I love the wallpaper!!

I like the ass-friday linkage...LOL


You're really spooking me out with the Moviefone chat as I was watching the 'other one' [where he's discussing The Replacements] only yesterday...


Posted by: Keanuette on February 14, 2003 10:30 AM

Happy Valentines Day Krix.

Posted by: DianeG on February 14, 2003 12:23 PM

Wooooo!!!! You've outdone yourself! It's so pretty, I keep on 'discovering' new little things in it, like the tongue and the... Ok, maybe I'm studying it a bit too much ;-)
Happy valentine's day! xxx

Posted by: Julie on February 14, 2003 12:30 PM

man, i’m so glad this thing is still out there. thank you SO much for the revisted viewing. among many others, you have this wonderful snipet of history with him, and on the ‘romance’ holiday too. this was my favorite interview he did thru that season. it followed the stint where he did the today show, rosie’s, several others for more local news entertainment, mtv things, and charlie rose, which i know many prefer as a ‘best’. but this aol thing runs a few notches above that to me. he just seemed ready to talk. maybe it was the moon. i like his beird, so it was great to see him with charlie, and i like that i have a tape of that and not just a tiny screen that depends on internet access, but to me, he’s really very loose in ways he only really got to in the last 10 minutes with rose. it seems he was in pretty good spirits and i just loved your question. it’s up there with the best asked him by ANY interviewer-type person...and he gave a fairly elaborate answer too. it must be extra special for you if it’s seems so neat to me. thanks again for pointing to this internet archive gift. i don’t think there’s much online quite like the length of that interview and him speaking so much. and yes, mr. moviefone was kinduv a squirrely moderator, but it wasn’t actually a strict ‘interview’ and the presentation was saved by questions from YOU and the ‘audience’. 2 years ago, yet still very special. thanks again for the link.

Posted by: ~L on February 15, 2003 12:40 PM

Well, *technically* all I got was a "Yeah", and Mr. Moviesquirrel (who I'm sure has the hots for Reeves) got the deeper response.
But I still treasure it.

Posted by: krix on February 15, 2003 12:44 PM

thanx, krix! Awesome shareware!
And greatly appreciated by a relative newbie to all fantastic things Keanu!

Posted by: phoenix IX on February 16, 2003 03:43 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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