October 09, 2002
Art worthy of him

It's my pleasure to be able to share with you this wonderful drawing of Keanu done by a very talented lady and DogstarFan, Maribel.

Keanu by Maribel

I've seen other people's drawings and no one captures him so truly as Maribel.
She really is gifted and I hope to be able to share some more of her work in the future.

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at October 09, 2002 12:22 PM .

YOu're right, Krix. It's really impressive. Tks for sharing and tks to Maribel, for being such a good artist.

Posted by: Bea on October 10, 2002 06:59 AM

My favourite on is this one!


I've printed it and I'm gonna frame it. It's a beaut!

Thanks Maribel ~ you're have a great talent!

I wish I could draw. I would draw Keanu all the time.

Posted by: Keanuette on October 11, 2002 02:35 PM
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