August 28, 2002

Don't tell Lori, but this has a "buy-it-now" price.

(girl, I will kick your ass if you shell out for that ratty thing....)

Speaking of eBay, I'm keeping my eye on this auction, seeing as I have about 5 copies. There were STACKS of them at the hotel, and they were free.
Buy 3 things from the keanuvision store and you can have one, along with a CD and a Bill and Ted comic.

And speaking of comics (heh, I could go on and on with this association stuff) I got my Hellblazer issues in the mail this week and there's one duplicate, #90, I think.
I could be persuaded to part with it.

Oh...and one more thing, here's what Breszny sez for Virgo this week..

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Now is actually a better time to trot
out your New Year's resolutions than January 1. Here are a few
to get you started. 1. Resolve to stop fantasizing about work
while you're making love. (Vice versa is OK, though.) 2. Resolve
to learn the difference between interesting puzzles that inspire
you to mutate and boring riddles that numb your soul. 3. Resolve
to stand on a hilltop and belly laugh in the direction of heaven
until you have a spiritual orgasm. 4. Resolve to not let what you
*can't* do interfere with what you *can* do. 5. Just in case you
are what you eat, resolve to eat chickens only if they've spent
their lives running free.

I think that's it.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at August 28, 2002 05:40 PM .

I *love* you krix! Thanks for the threat -- it worked and I am resolved *NOT* to buy the ratty keanuvest. Dammit! Oh, hey, and I had about 6 copies of that Avi mag myself, gave most of them away to family and friends (most of whom thought I was a total wiener for even having been there in the first place...) *sigh*

Posted by: Lori on August 28, 2002 09:23 PM


What's this about fantastizing about work whilst making love...


Posted by: Keanuette on August 29, 2002 02:47 PM

I actually was kind of in shock when I saw what price this little tidbit sold for! Totally amazed!

I guess the hard-to-find items bring in the cash. I said all this just to say that I am not selling my stuff cause I want to make money off of Keanu (hey, we've all bought stuff off e-bay) My house has become a Keanu shrine and some things just have to go. I'm running out of room, which there is just too little of anyways. I'm moving and it would just make things simplier. Parts of my collection will never part from my Keanu-loving fingers!

Actually, all monies will be put in my little piggy bank to save for Dogstar gigs! Yeah...what better way to spend it...seeing him!

Posted by: keanufandom on August 31, 2002 04:04 PM

When excactly is your birthday, Virgo?

Posted by: Chicken Little on September 4, 2002 10:49 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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