August 28, 2002
Linky Luv

A girl named Bob has finally noticed that I've linked to her and has confessed to Keanu love.
This is what it's all about, people. Spreading the love. The more closet Keanu fans I can expose and/or convert the better.

I have a master plan. Count on it.

She also passes the litmus test of choosing Bogus Journey over Excellent Adventure, and, she writes some of the best stuff I've read in a while. I want to move to New York and be her best friend...or at least temp at her office.

tribe | from inside the mind of krix at August 28, 2002 03:41 PM .

Mee too...

So funny, but very cool...:D

Posted by: Keanuette on August 28, 2002 03:45 PM

Keep spreading the keanulove, chick. Bob is most excellent!

Posted by: Lori on August 28, 2002 04:25 PM

Thanks so much for the compliment! You're hired!

And I was totally honest when I admitted how happy being in any way associated with this page makes me. It totally rocks!

Keep up the great work! =)

Posted by: Bob on August 28, 2002 04:46 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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