June 16, 2002
Reel Talk

I'd like to invite everyone to check out Cheryl's Movie Backlot.

Cheryl does a great job researching, providing insights and back stories about Keanu's Filmography for one of the lists. When it was suggested that they be archived on the web for posterity and for a wider range of discussion, I basically did the email equivalent of a Horshack impersonation.
"Oooooo, ooooh! I'll do it!"

There's a long dry spell between now and Reloaded, and it is a good time to revisit our old favorite Keanu movies.
It's set up like a blog, with each movie having a seperate page and comments section for discussion. Movies will be added periodically. Naturally, I encourage everyone to participate. Ask questions, and if you have answers, please share your knowledge with others.

So with all the appropriate fanfare, keanuvision.com proudly presents...

the site | from inside the mind of krix at June 16, 2002 10:45 AM .

whoa - thats a real cool idea krix
look forward to participating

Posted by: zel on June 16, 2002 04:26 PM

Great to see this come to fruition. Now I can dump all those copies of the digest that I saved solely for Cheryl's reviews!! Yay, krix! Yay, Cheryl!!

Posted by: Lori on June 17, 2002 06:04 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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