June 01, 2002
First Month

Well, it's been a whole month with the new blog. I'm still having fun. I love the comments feature and just want to thank everyone that has joined in, and invite others to not be shy about it.
I'm fighting the urge to complicate things, like adding skins and such. I'm sure that down the line I might give in to temptation to start tweaking with stuff again, but for now-so far, so good. I do have one new thing planned for the near future, but I'm not going to spoil the suprise.
Anyway, it's going to be a cruel, cruel summer. I'll try my best to come up with some interesting or amusing entries to help us both pass the time. You'll know I'm getting desperate when I break out the Neo dolls for bizarre photo dramas.

There's still a whole year until The Matrix Reloaded comes out. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to weasel my way to the premiere. Maybe if I send a letter every single day to Warner Brothers, they'll let me come just to shut me up.

I'm only half joking.

Dogstar will be playing in Japan and possibly Thailand at the end of summer. Maybe there will be some L.A. shows in the fall. And maybe some others when the reported new CD gets made and released. I'm not going to break my 500 mile rule, though. Probably not, anyway. We'll see.

Oh, and cafepress has added some new items to the product line.
Frisbees, visors, cooler bags...
And I think there are more coming this week. So if anyone sees an item in there that they might want emblazoned with "I (heart) KEANU" let me know and I can add it to the store.
A dollar for every item sold until August will be donated to Locks of Love, and The Children's Hospital Oakland through the Shave Hoopty project.
I still have a bunch of Quattro Formaggi CDs to give away with purchase, too.

the site | from inside the mind of krix at June 01, 2002 12:00 PM .

Krix, I know EXACTLY what you mean CRUEL SUMMER. I mean what to do , what to do... I mean, man, isn't there anything going on this summer? God, I may have to take up gardening or toll painting........

Posted by: Rhonda on June 1, 2002 12:33 PM

Bwah! Can you make me one of those garden spinners that look like an owl?

Posted by: krix on June 1, 2002 12:39 PM

Yeah, right after I finish all those plywood cutout black sillouette cowboys, leaning on a fence.....

Posted by: Rhonda on June 1, 2002 12:47 PM

Hell, krix, what's this about a 500 mile rule? If I had a rule like that (if it means what I think it does...), I'd have never seen the guys! Nor would I be visiting the viper this month.

Oh, and remember, FAST CARS!!

Posted by: Lori on June 1, 2002 02:30 PM

Hi krix
been visiting for a while - finally overcome my *shyness* and decided to post.
You have inspired me ... getting together a keanublog ... soon to be ftp'ed (bought domain and hosting plan t'nite).

Hope you'll come check it out
btw - e-mail won't be active yet :(

Posted by: zel on June 1, 2002 03:48 PM

Yes, please let me know when it's up and running.
You'll LOVE blogging.

Posted by: krix on June 1, 2002 06:36 PM

thanx krix :)

Posted by: zel on June 2, 2002 03:16 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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