May 27, 2002

Well, thank you to Rhonda for giving me the idea for this entry in previous comments. I got to wondering about how being a fan of Keanu Reeves has affected me and my life. The first thing that comes to mind is the friendships I have made. I've become very close to several of the people I have met through online fandom. Their friendships mean the world to me. I've been fortunate to meet a few of them in person, travel with them, and lean on them when I needed to. That's probably the single most important thing that I've gotten out of fandom.
There are other ways I feel my life has changed and improved because of it. Being a Keanu fan, creating wallpapers and a website really gave me a creative outlet when I needed it. There's a special thanks to someone, Sailor Ji, over on the side. She used to have a site called The Keanu Sanctuary, and it was to her that I sent my first wallpaper designs. She was the one that first told me I should make a site. The Sanctuary is no more, and I don't know what ever happened to Sailor Ji, but I will always be grateful for her encouragement.
I've discovered new music, like Liz Phair and Archers of Loaf, thanks to Keanu mentioning them. I probably would never have gotten around to reading any William Gibson, either. I had all but forgotten about my guitar until I got the urge to learn some Dogstar songs, although I still don't practice as much as I should. I've re-read some Shakespeare, something I hadn't wanted to do ever since high school. I'm reading more in general, in fact. Things that I wouldn't normally read or even know about.
I guess there's some other things about me that have changed or evolved, too.
But a lot of them are personal, so I won't be talking about them.
It's a discretion thing.
Guess where I picked that up?

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at May 27, 2002 01:56 PM .

I think we're on the same wavelengh on this... well put... and oh yeah, Archers of Loaf is good stuff... Have you heard any of their older recordings? Waaaay coool! Rhonda

Posted by: Rhonda on May 27, 2002 03:11 PM

I attribute my renewed recognition of the beauty that is Keanu to you. I had forgotten, I guess. If it becomes an obsession though, I'm blaming you.

Posted by: jadedju on May 27, 2002 03:18 PM

I've had lots of people tell me in the past year or so, "wow, you're a lot more fun than you used to be!" I attribute that to the introspection and determinations I've made since becoming enthralled with keanu. His humor, his lust for life, his risk-taking, and his demeanor have inspired me to be a better, cooler, funnier, HAPPIER person. I used to be uptight about a lot of things that, upon closer inspection, DON'T REALLY MATTER. And you know what? I like the person I am now a lot more than the smaller, grimmer person I used to be. (I admit that some of this change was brought on by my divorce, but keanu's spirit helped shape and form my new direction. Damn, that's a lot of responsibility to lay on him, isn't it?)

Posted by: Lori on May 27, 2002 07:06 PM

You have no idea how much that pleases me, Jilly.

Rhonda, I only have Seconds Before The Accident, I'll have to look for their earlier stuff. Any rec's?

that's all, just :)

Posted by: krix on May 27, 2002 07:41 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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