July 30, 2004
I'll have mine with a dollop of crema fresca


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I met a man who told he trademarked the term "couch potato" more than two decades ago. He said that in the early years, he made decent money from people who compensated him for the right to use his intellectual property. Eventually, though, he had to hire lawyers to take legal action against those who wanted to avoid payment. In time, his attorney fees outstripped the amount he was able to collect from violators of his trademark, and he gave up the effort. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you Virgos are facing or will soon face a comparable situation: A certain advantage you've had may no longer be an advantage; an asset or strength could begin to require so much upkeep that it may no longer be an asset or strength.


it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at July 30, 2004 11:16 AM .

That's my favourite pic EVER!

Posted by: Keanuette on July 30, 2004 11:27 AM

*checking astrological sign*

...nope, not a Virgo today...I always prefer to leverage my assets and play to my strengths ;-)

Posted by: shelz on July 30, 2004 01:07 PM

well, hey! 'count your blessings' seems to be the theme around today! at least you have assets to leverage... i just better leverage my assets!
and fast apparently!!!! that's a good goal!!
yes! and play my strengths....i like that too!
sagey... very sagey!

Posted by: wanda on July 30, 2004 05:38 PM

Good gracious!how on earth can someone just look so breathtakingly handsome by simply lying on a black sofa? but he would look the same from any place...I know, even my sofa would do;-)and that is telling a lot about his assets ..and maybe "leverage" my sofa

Posted by: susan on July 30, 2004 11:59 PM

*winks at Susan*

Posted by: shelz on July 31, 2004 07:49 AM

*winks back at shelz with a big warm smile....yooohoooooooo*

Posted by: susan on July 31, 2004 10:30 AM

this pic is one of my favorites ever too...( i would probably say that about all of them! )


Posted by: wanda on July 31, 2004 11:57 PM

I love this pic! I still have the calendar with it. The funny thing is, it makes me want to rub his tummy.

Posted by: Tabitha on August 2, 2004 07:33 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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