July 13, 2004
where's Jack Traven when you need him?


There's a bomb scare thing going down right now here in Vegas.
Part of the strip is closed and it's all over the teevee.

Very exciting.

It was nothing.

I'm feeling relieved and gypped at the same time.

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at July 13, 2004 03:29 PM .

Too bad. What did they think was going to blow up? Not that Eiffel Tower thingy - that would just be a shame... ;)

I'm glad it was a hoax. We certinaly don't need any more things blowing up in the world.

Posted by: Chianti on July 13, 2004 03:53 PM

It was jammed under some "newspaper"(re:pervy escort ad/mags) stands. Turned out to be some sort communication thingy like a lojack or something, most likely fell off of someone's car.

Posted by: krix on July 13, 2004 03:59 PM

Good. Everyone is on edge right now - the smallest thing gets blown out of proportion (no pun intended) but I guess it has to be that way.

I read today that the doorman at Keanu's apartment in NYC called 911 once (not today) because people were taking pictures of the building - turned out they were paparazzi waiting for Keanu. I hope the cops scared them at least a little bit. ;)

Posted by: Chianti, certainly can't type today on July 13, 2004 04:25 PM

Yeah, paparazzi are out of control these days!!! I mean as much as I adore K, I would never invade his space. Especially since Keanu is a very private person and someone that values his personal life. Oh Krix, I am glad it just turned out to be a "communication thingy." The last thing we need is more violence(with the whole threat of suspious behavior that might go done on election day) Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day!!!!!!

Posted by: Allison on July 13, 2004 05:00 PM

eeeeeeeeeeeeek, glad you and the strip are okay.

Posted by: tess on July 13, 2004 05:01 PM

Yes...please don't blow up the Eiffel Tower thingy...

...especially over a communication thingy LOL!

Posted by: shelz on July 13, 2004 06:35 PM

I have heard rumors that there are possible threats for terror in Las Vegas when I am there on vacation next week. ooooh **waves hands** Well, I hope to hell I am the casino that the "strike" happens. All this makes me so mad because it is blown out of proportion to make everyone afraid. **shakes fist at sky** I dare you to bomb me! :-D

Posted by: LoveTheLefty on July 13, 2004 07:37 PM

Watching it all play out on TV actually was interesting and made me feel more secure. The squad was highly efficient and professional.

Posted by: krix on July 13, 2004 07:52 PM

What a nightmare! In Berlin the security standard is pretty high not only because of all the embassies. Espacially those from the USA and Great Britain are based in the middle of the city - so you‘ll never lose the feeling an that it could happen everytime….

We do have these kinds of "practice" often here in Europe, especially since those bombs assassinations in Madrid… it‘s scary.

Posted by: creezy on July 14, 2004 02:11 AM

o k ...!

Posted by: wanda on July 14, 2004 02:42 AM

Glad it was nothing, but how exciting!

Posted by: Keanuette on July 14, 2004 10:37 AM
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