March 23, 2004
The Vegas definition of "ranch" may differ from the norm

OK, I've had a lot of people email or ask about information on the April 16th becky show at Green Valley Ranch. I will tell you what I know and what I hope to find out.

First, don't let the term "Ranch" fool you, this is a posh resort. It is a hotel and if you're spending the money to come out for this show, I recommend going ahead and springing for a room. It makes sense, if you factor in cab fare if you stayed elsewhere and who knows, maybe you'll bump into someone in the elevator. I don't even know if there's any less expensive hotels close by.

I would like to recommend that maybe someone should start a thread over at the beckyboard for room and ride sharing. I know a few people are going to LA for the HOB show and then coming here the next day. Maybe people can get together and rent a car or something. I really don't recommend taking the bus. Seriously. If there isn't anyone skeevy actually on the bus, there will be plenty of scary people at the station when you arrive. Plus, it's not close to Green Valley and what you'll end up paying in cabfare might make up the difference between a bus and a plane ticket. If you are planning on staying at Green Valley Ranch, when you make the reservation don't tell them your coming in for the becky show, make a separate call for any questions you have for that. Tell them your coming in for a "girls weekend" or something. Make them think you're going to gamble, it will grease the wheels and you can ask them about airport shuttle service and such.

OK, the venue - Whiskey Beach. How very Vegas, no? I've never been there and I really can't tell anything from the website. In fact this is the only picture they have, so I'm assuming we're all going hang out in a big bed in a box with becky band (hee!). Pillow Fight!

Seriously, I have no idea what this venue is like. I may try and go there in the next week or so just to check it out, but even so I think there will be a special setup for performances.

By the way, according to the announcement on the beckyband main page, both this and the HOB show are all ages. I would call and confirm to be sure.

Lastly, I will actually be working until 6pm on that Friday and will just be coming straight to the show so I can't play hostess or driver for anyone but I will be available to have drinks bought for me during and afterward.

becky | from inside the mind of krix at March 23, 2004 12:57 PM .

Definately a drink on me girl..;)

thanks for the info! What a strange looking room...LOL Won't it be cold at night?

Posted by: Keanuette on March 23, 2004 01:20 PM

Kinky. Maybe they do some kind of demos in there or something. Hey, if I can't assist, I'll watch!

Posted by: Chianti on March 23, 2004 01:29 PM

I dunno, this sounds like one wierdo performance space. Rain or shine? I'd love to see them, but what if it's pouring rain? To travel 1500 miles and go to a show in the rain would suck royally. I wish I lived closer.

Posted by: sta-cie on March 23, 2004 05:25 PM

They just say that. It doesn't rain in April in Las Vegas. Seriously. I just checked the weather history and last year we had a third of an inch total over the whole month. So even in the teensy chance it rains, it's not like it will pour.

Posted by: krix on March 23, 2004 05:27 PM

Hey, I was just doing the same thing! And suddenly wished I could edit my previous statement! :)

Posted by: sta-cie on March 23, 2004 05:39 PM

Well, it rains like hell here in PA in April. We get about 40 inches of rain a year, and most of it seems to fall in April. So if becky a) ever did come to my state to play and b) played an outdoor gig, it would probably have to be in October. By then, the heavy rains have diminished and the humidity has dropped to a bearable level.

(Information provided on the way off-chance that someone from the group is reading this--HI KEANU!--and planning an East Coast itinerary)

Posted by: Melissa on March 23, 2004 05:57 PM

Well, it rains like hell here in PA in April. We get about 40 inches of rain a year, and most of it seems to fall in April. So if becky a) ever did come to my state to play and b) played an outdoor gig, it would probably have to be in October. By then, the heavy rains have diminished and the humidity has dropped to a bearable level.

(Information provided on the way off-chance that someone from the group is reading this--HI KEANU!--and planning an East Coast itinerary)

Posted by: Melissa on March 23, 2004 05:57 PM

Well, it rains like hell here in PA in April. We get about 40 inches of rain a year, and most of it seems to fall in April. So if becky a) ever did come to my state to play and b) played an outdoor gig, it would probably have to be in October. By then, the heavy rains have diminished and the humidity has dropped to a bearable level.

(Information provided on the way off-chance that someone from the group is reading this--HI KEANU!--and planning an East Coast itinerary)

Posted by: Melissa on March 23, 2004 06:03 PM

Freaking gremlins in the puter today. So embarrassed, sorry krix.

Posted by: Melissa on March 23, 2004 06:07 PM

So embarrassed. Sorry krix. Freakin gremlins in the puter today.

Posted by: Melissa on March 23, 2004 06:10 PM

It's Mikey's fault. Blame him. :)

Posted by: Melissa on March 23, 2004 06:15 PM

COOL! I feel special, LOL! When my sister and I drove through Vegas the summer of 2000 on our way back home it was raining cats and dogs, LOL! Dang I wish I could go to this show! Sniff....

Posted by: Jena on March 23, 2004 06:52 PM

Thanks for the info Krix. I am coming in from HI to go to both Shows. So I was wondering about that also. If anyone else wants to hook up to go together just email me & let me know. or you can catch me on MSN Chat. I would love to meet you all.

Posted by: Keana on March 23, 2004 08:08 PM

Thank you, Krix, - a lot of very useful info. I already have my ticket to LA so I am so there!!!
Just trying to figure out the hotels and cars now. If anybody's interested to share a room, drop me a line. We're gonna have a rocking time!

Posted by: lusenkea on March 24, 2004 11:01 AM

actually thats just a picture of my bedroom... guess krix mixed the photos up somehow...see ya'll at the show....tee-hee

Posted by: roi on March 24, 2004 12:12 PM

now see roi, that's just how I pictured your bedroom.....hey where's the ukelele???

Posted by: tess on March 24, 2004 11:02 PM
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