July 26, 2003
it's today

there's still time to sponsor

I thought about blogging for blogathon this year, but ultimately chickened out for a number of reasons, one being that I'm afraid if I blogged for 24 hours straight, I might never want to do it again afterwards.

So, I have a huge amount of regard for those that are, and I'm sponsoring Jazz, who is blogging for Doctors without Borders and has all kinds of fun things she's doing to pass the time...or convince us she's completely mad, I'm not sure which. I'm also sponsoring Jenn, over at Greyhoundathon who is blogging for Greyhound Pets, which aids in finding retired racing greyhounds happy homes. She's also a foster for greyhounds and has some great pics and stories about the dogs.

You can go see who's blogging today at the main blogathon site, maybe pick someone to sponsor or just leave some comments, I know that it would mean a lot to everyone participating.

tribe | from inside the mind of krix at July 26, 2003 09:55 AM .

I chickend out too. I'm otherwise distracted...

Jazz Rulez!

Posted by: Keanuette on July 26, 2003 10:08 AM

I find the thon much more fun to watch than participate..lol they start getting all goofy and drunk late at night. Check out Stupid evil bastard who is blogging for Cancer research.
he has already taken his shirt off (pics) and discussed his habit of painting his toenails metallic blue. Fun stuff.

Posted by: kat on July 26, 2003 10:38 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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