April 23, 2003

From CNN (and reported at various other sources):

"Appearing out of competition is the much-awaited sequel "The Matrix: Reloaded" by American brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski. Organizers said its entire cast, including Keanu Reeves, will travel to Cannes."


"This year is starting to look like one big movie-geek's wet dream as more and more films are doing bigger, cooler things to grab people's attention and with today's announcement that IMAX is going to be showing The Matrix sequels in their special big-screen, big-sound theatres, it's not hard to believe that this really is the year of The Matrix."

Read that article here at The Gate.

(I've checked for confirmation of this one, but can't find any mention of either the Matrix at IMAX.com or IMAX at WhatistheMatrix.com's breaking news. Hopefully it's true, though.)

There's an article in USAToday, and I was quite excited to see Keanu get much deserved props as a stud in an Australian paper, but apparently they were talking about something else.

media spot | from inside the mind of krix at April 23, 2003 12:58 PM .

Kamawa Keanu!! LOL

Posted by: Natasha on April 23, 2003 02:23 PM

hell, i'd name MY bull keanu, wouldn't you? :)

Posted by: Lori on April 23, 2003 06:29 PM

Good point Lori! I guess I was just cracking up more at ALL the different places/connotations the name Keanu ends up at. I've read how people have named their children after Keanu and their pets too! Pretty wild. I bet when Keanu started his *acting* career, he had no idea there'd be children and pets (and bulls) named after him! ;)

Posted by: Natasha on April 23, 2003 08:40 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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