April 21, 2003
so monday

It really feels like a Monday today.

Here's some news:

Buzz is continuing to build around the two "Matrix" sequels, which star Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss and Jada Pinkett Smith. So is talk of back-office bickering between Warner Bros. and filmmaking brothers Andy and Larry Wachowski.

Studio President Alan Horn is said to have clashed with the writing-directing duo over their stubborn devotion to hardcore fans of their sci-fi fantasy films.

Let's start with the ratings. Warner Bros. execs are hoping for a PG-13, but graphic fight sequences caused the MPAA to slap the first sequel, "The Matrix Reloaded," with an R.

"Alan Horn blames the brothers for not budging on the head-kicking scenes," a source tells us. "He also thinks they didn't lobby the MPAA hard enough."

Then there's the release dates. "Reloaded" comes out May 15. The studio wants No. 3, "The Matrix Revolutions" to hit theaters in November or December. The Wachowskis want it released in July, we hear.

"The brothers wanted to give the fans a one-two punch," says our insider. "They figured it would be a year dominated by 'The Matrix' - followed by a triple DVD anthology released at Christmas."

The Wachowskis also are said to be fighting to get a "Revolutions" trailer screened at the end of "Reloaded."

"They want it to follow the credits, which run about nine minutes," says the insider. "The Warners execs say nobody's going to wait nine minutes to see it."

To get their way, the Wachowskis are said to be resorting to a work slowdown.

"The brothers are taking their time putting in all the special effects," says our spy. "They're trying to make the Warner Bros. people sweat" the "Revolutions" deadline.

A Warner spokeswoman insists all this tension is fiction.

"They're working overtime to get it done on time," says the rep.

You go, Brothers W.

I, for one, would certainly sit through the credits to see a Revolutions trailer (though I usually sit through credits of movies I like anyway).
What the fuck? Warner Brothers didn't have any problem with attaching Final Flight of the Osiris that that Stephen King shitweasel movie (which I saw this weekend by the way.....FFotO? Brilliant. Dreamcatcher? feh). I think they owe us Matrix fans.

Thank god the Brothers W. know that.

How cool is it that they want to release Revolutions in July?


Not that it will happen, but still.

it wahs | from inside the mind of krix at April 21, 2003 11:21 AM .

here's a thought, maybe WB knew they had a dog on thier hands with Dreamcatcher and attached the Final Flight as a way to drum up more business.

Studio suits, that clever, nahhhh!

Maybe not in July, but earlier?

Posted by: Tyler on April 21, 2003 12:19 PM

I think that's precisely what they did.


Posted by: krix on April 21, 2003 01:56 PM

Everyone sat through the credits for the additional scenes after the latest Harry Potter movie - this was from Warner too.
And Matrix was always an R_rated movie. Hopefully they will not cut it like to those crazy American ratings.
The movies may make a bit more money in the USA but LESS overseas.

Posted by: Uriel on April 21, 2003 03:29 PM

I agree about the bros--Good for them in their fight in the name of truly pleasing thier fans--I would sit thru the credits of reloaded anyway, especially if a trailer was to comr. oh yeah...July? that'd be awesome(could they release it on my b-day? It's on a thursday this year :) )

Posted by: stacey717 on April 21, 2003 04:04 PM



I'll pay my £3 just to see the preview.

Thanx for the tip ;)

Posted by: keanuette on April 21, 2003 04:29 PM

keanuette - I believe it was Tabitha King (Stephen's wife) who coined the term "shitweasels". He mentions it in his book "On Writing".

Posted by: roxy on April 21, 2003 05:02 PM

I wonder if this is why the tickets haven't come out yet for presales? Down to the wire and it's gonna be crazy getting tickets to the first show!

Posted by: Monique on April 21, 2003 05:24 PM

They are pre-selling tickets. Check your theater.

Posted by: Tyler on April 21, 2003 06:45 PM

The Matrix is almost out! The Matrix is almost out! Oh baby. Just watched the 100 meg trailer on the web. Now I can't sleep. My ticket will be preordered. *In my Gir voice* "I'm gonna watch it again!"

Posted by: MrBlank on April 21, 2003 07:44 PM

I [heart] MrBlank.

Posted by: krix on April 21, 2003 07:47 PM

me, too... ;)

Posted by: Lori on April 21, 2003 08:07 PM

Thanks for the Fandango tip Krix.

The 10:00 show at my GIGANTIC Edwards theatre complex was already SOLD OUT! I got tickets for the 1:00 show. (Did I tell you that I took three days vacation to see this silly flick?)

(SSSHHHH! Don't tell anyone!)

This movie is gonna make so much f**kin' money.

Good for all those who worked "their collective asses off" and have a share of the back end.


Posted by: Tyler on April 21, 2003 08:37 PM

Oh, my, God,

This is the hottest I have ever seen of this workaholic beautiful man. By the way , where do you get your photos from, you like so so rock. Please keep up this site, I love it. Your site makes heart smile real hard.

Posted by: ***Danielle*** on October 21, 2003 12:19 PM

Oh, my, God,

This is the hottest I have ever seen of this workaholic beautiful man. By the way , where do you get your photos from, you like so so rock. Please keep up this site, I love it. Your site makes heart smile real hard.

Posted by: ***Danielle*** on October 21, 2003 12:19 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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