January 14, 2003

Jem has posted an update at the DMB.


dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at January 14, 2003 08:14 AM .

When the news of the new movie with Nicholson popped up, I figured the doggies would be muzzled for a while - maybe they will still be able to work on the new CD. Didn't someone (a doggie) say they had a lot of it done already?

Posted by: Chianti on January 14, 2003 08:49 AM

album studio recording yadda yadda ... i wanna SHOW, dammit! p l e a s e ???

Posted by: Lori on January 14, 2003 09:35 AM

Well since chances of me ever going to a show are slim, I want a new CD. And I believe they do too, before they tour again. A show here and there in the meantime would be nice for you folks who would be in proximity of some of their usual venues.

Posted by: Chianti on January 14, 2003 10:16 AM

I hope they play Amsterdam!
OF COURSE I had to return your kindness with the CD, so, if the order worked, and they do play in my city, I'll have MY VERY OWN Keanuvision *tm* thong to do with as I please!!!!

Now, as I recall, you promised; If I throw it on the stage, you'll buy me 1 drink. If he picks it up & looks at it; you'll buy me 3 drinks. If he puts it on his head; Free drinks all evening!!!

Start saving those dollars baby, because I have a very expensive taste in fine wi... eh... beers!

The ordering gave me a laughing-fit, too. I'm paranoid about giving my credit-card number, & called their customer service for extra instructions. She asked me what the item was... Instead of giving the productnumber, I proudly proclaimed that it was the Keanu-groupie-thong! There was a long, long silence on the other end of the line... :-D

Posted by: Julie on January 14, 2003 11:40 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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