November 09, 2002
I need guns, lots of guns....

this would solve the problem

Sometimes I wish I had a Neo to deal with idiots for me.
This morning, as Roi (he says "Hi" btw) and I were coming off the freeway, there was a weird noise coming from my car.
I'm all, "It's freaking me out!"
and he's all, "I think it sounds cool"
and I'm all, "Idiot! get out and look!" (once we stopped at the bottom of the exit ramp.)
So it's a flat, on a brand new tire I bought 10 days ago.
Luckily, not 50 feet from the exit is the place I bought the tire.
So I limp around the corner and pull into their service lot.
I explain to the freshfaced little tiremonkey "Um, yes...I just bought this tire here 10 days ago and I just got a flat coming off the freeway and I'd like you to replace it"
Get this...monkeyboy sez: "Well, this is a 'ride-on'. You drove on it so it's not under warranty."
Me:"Excuse me?"
The steel-belted gibbon goes and calls his manager. They'll replace it at cost.
Fuck that.
This makes no sense at all! How on earth are you not supposed to drive on a flat tire at all? It's not like it was flat when I left the house.
It's not like it was losing tread or wearing out so I knew I needed to have it replaced. It's 10 days old!

So I have them put on the spare, and leave the tire there so I can come to my office, and find my receipts. I've bought three tires from these people in the past two months.

Ok, as I was typing this out, monkeyboy calls and tells me that they don't have my tire in stock. He's going to put a used one on my rim for nothing and I can come down monday and deal with the head assratchet.

I just don't get the logic of "you drove on the tire so it's your fault."
I came off the freeway and pulled into the lot.
God, I'm going to let the manager have it on monday.

Because something's defective and it sure as shit isn't me.

it wahs , off topic | from inside the mind of krix at November 09, 2002 10:22 AM .

Jebus! People are total fucktards. I swear. Good luck!

Posted by: Da Goddess on November 9, 2002 11:47 AM

give em hell krix!!

Posted by: kat on November 9, 2002 11:54 AM

Well, I got the used tire put on and have the one that needs replacing in my trunk. There's no nail or anything so basically I'm going to march in there monday and get my Donnie on. There's no reason that that tire should have gone flat unless it was defective or mounted wrong.
Their fault.

Posted by: krix on November 9, 2002 02:29 PM

Messin' with krix, is gonna get them "assratchets burned."

Posted by: Rhonda on November 9, 2002 02:58 PM

krix, you go girl, just don't get all Griffin on 'em -- we don't need a body count!

Posted by: Lori on November 9, 2002 06:53 PM

HEY everybody!! i just talked to krix (she called me -- yes, she has my cell phone number -- ahem...) and she says dammit, she's having troubles with the site today and can't seem to post. so don't worry, she'll be back, but it might not be until tomorrow, since today's sunday and nobody works on sunday, right? oh, and you'll never guess who i thought she was when she first called... hee!

Posted by: Lori on November 10, 2002 01:47 PM

Oooh, I hate stupid fucktards like that! Had a similar experience with my ATV at the Canadian Tire that put the plugs in one of the tires. The plug came out when we were driving it, and they gave us shit for driving on it. We were 10 km in the bush! What did they expect us to do? Carry the thing on our shoulders?

And assratchets? Can I use that one? :)

Posted by: Veshka on November 11, 2002 09:14 AM

That happened to me, but there was no way I was paying for them to put a new tyre on...

Posted by: Keanuette on November 11, 2002 02:26 PM

Hello everyone

Posted by: Ralph on January 20, 2003 03:08 AM


Posted by: jamesz on March 30, 2003 11:59 AM

ilike the movie and i would like to have all of them guns

Posted by: jamesz on March 30, 2003 12:02 PM

Yo man these garage people can be such dumb( y )s
one day I was in a gas station and i tell him leave me alone i am on the phone. and the guy tells me i can't use da phone so i hang up. ( i was talking to my boss) i ask him why he tells me because it can blow the gas station. My boss calls back the next morning and says i am fired for hanging up on him. So i go down to the gas station and tell them wut happened they say o well it happens. and he spits in my face and tells me 2 leave. i got so pissed I took my phone stabbed it's antena in his hand. banged his head on the gas tank. it mad a hole in it. I took i match lit the thing on fire it started burning. so i started running the things blows up. so i got back get the 2 gas dudes out of the fire. Now they r seewing me for 600,000$. I don't know where i gona get the money because i have no job. As i was saving dem from da fire i got 6 1st degree burns 2 second degree burns and 4 3rd degree burns. I seewed them for their tank beein so weak and i won 1,250,000$ so if i lose da case i gonna pay em wit dat. well c ya.


Posted by: Xavier on November 16, 2003 04:32 PM

keanu reeves is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Dogg on February 1, 2004 02:18 PM
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