October 16, 2002
Art and Horoscopes

Matt from River's Edge by Maribel

Another great drawing by Maribel, this is of Keanu as Matt in River's Edge.

And here's this week's Virgo (Keanu's sign) horoscope from freewillastrology.com

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I've been working on a do-it-yourself manual for the new "Just Drop It" school of psychotherapy. It'll be pretty short. In the introduction, I'll tell you to procure a cheap briefcase and fill it up with a hundred pounds of rocks. On page two I'll suggest that you imagine the briefcase is stuffed with emotional baggage you can't seem to let go, memories you love to hate, and annoying frustrations you never get tired of complaining about. The third page will insinuate that maybe you should actually carry this terrible burden around with you everywhere you go for an entire week.
On the fourth and last page, I'll offer the simple, elegant cure: JUST DROP IT!

spoony | from inside the mind of krix at October 16, 2002 01:13 PM .

Ooooooh, Sounds like someone has been watching Devil's Advocate..... cept' he needs to drop the bag of bricks...

Posted by: Rhonda on October 16, 2002 01:38 PM

That is a great drawing! :D

Posted by: Laura on October 16, 2002 02:03 PM

Indeed it is...

Posted by: Keanuette on October 16, 2002 02:48 PM

Most excellent drawing, this person Maribel is very very talented. Love the last one too.

Posted by: luvske on October 16, 2002 04:05 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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