August 07, 2002
Beauty and Truth and Pixels

Rob Brezsny's Free Will astrology can now be found at
Here's what he has to say for Keanu's sign: Virgo, this week...

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Looks like the Season of a Million Emotions hasn't wiped you out completely. Though it may be hard to tell because of the puddles of tears by your bed and the piles of ashes from your burnt offerings, you've managed to maintain a modicum of poise. I mean you're not spitting into the wind and throwing stones at heaven while trying to dance naked on the roof with a hangover, right? That in itself is a sign you've escaped a trap you've always been a sucker for in the past. I bet that if you can just hold on to your sanity for another eight days or so, you'll finally graduate from the University of Senseless Pain, where you've been matriculating for way too long.

I've decided to get my focus back on imagery for a bit. I need to work more with Photoshop in order to learn. I'm pretty sure it does more than just drop-shadows. Plus, it's fun. Playing with filters and pixels and hues. I'm going to try and get past my own "superperfect" demons and share some experiments here.
The Warholian thing above was pretty easy, but it looks cool.
The picture below is derived from this picture.


Filters are your friend.
It's not high art, but it's fun.

And I'm all about the fun, baby.

Update: kat suggests that that first pic would make good wallpaper. So here's a copy of it without the drop-shadow that you can use. Just set your background to "tile".

doodles | from inside the mind of krix at August 07, 2002 12:29 PM .

the warholish one would make great wall paper ;)

Posted by: kat on August 7, 2002 12:44 PM

Thanks ! I uploaded a version without the shadow that can be used as a tile background.

Posted by: krix on August 7, 2002 12:56 PM

Krix, Keanu's horoscope is really freaky! Sounds like our guy! Graduating from the school of senseless pain..... and in eight days? We hope!

Posted by: Rhonda on August 7, 2002 01:41 PM

I'm with Rhonda on this one: Burnt offerings (weren't there stories about Keanu burning offerings in front of a buddhist shrine; Puddles of Tears (let's not even go there); and 8 days? (seems I remember reading somewhere that Keanu said he would be working until September 2002 - let's up he'll finish early.)

This horoscope is a little to right on....pain is pretty senseless isn't it?

Posted by: Tyler on August 7, 2002 03:01 PM

Oooh! The colors! The colors!

:) I like the "warhol-ish" one, too.

Posted by: Craig on August 8, 2002 04:11 PM

Way way cool with the Andy-thing, krix. Keep up the experimentation!

Posted by: Lori on August 8, 2002 04:32 PM

I love both pix, esp the 2nd one...:D

Posted by: keanuette on August 10, 2002 06:42 PM
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