July 22, 2002
Heads up

Matrix-y stuff in the August issue of Empire(UK) magazine.

ewwww, ew ewwww! Tom Cruise on MY BLOG! ick!

I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to swing by a bookstore on my way home tonight.
Providing I survive the sauna that is my office today.
I might even buy it if there's some new pictures.
They'll have to be GOOD pictures, though, for me to buy something with Tom on the cover.

Thanks to Jena for this info.

UPDATE: More lemur love for Jena for typing out the article.

It may be a bit spoilerific (not terribly) so if you want to read it, click "MORE"

Exclusive Report from Australia
On Saturday evening, May 18, Joel Silver snuck into the back of a theatre in Westwood, L.A., showing Attack Of The Clones. He was not interested in the film (although he liked it), he was there to watch the trailers. Or more precisely: watch the audience watch the trailers. "The first trailer that came up was Minority Report," Silver recalls, "which had a very tepid response, and then Sum of All Fears, which kind of got a nice response, and then our trailer started and it was unbelievable: the kids went crazy and they stayed crazy. When it ended there was this thundering reaction I've never heard before. I've never seen a collective response for a piece of entertainment like that before - ever."
Said trailer, of course, was for Matrix sequels: Reloaded and Revolutions. After three years of near-silence punctuated by the occasional disturbing rumour, it took only one minute and 15 seconds of slow-mo tease for everybody to be certain: The Matrix is back, baby - and nothing will ever be the same again.
Today, back in his production office in Fox Studios Australia, overlooking Sydney Cricket Ground, Silver is taking a break from overseeing the marathon production which begain in Oakland, California, in March 2001 and is not scheduled to be completed until July 2002. ("This is day 209," Silver smiles, "I think.") It is a working holiday, with Silver meeting a select handful of the world's press - including Empire - while "the boys," as he paternally dubs the Wachowski brothers, Larry and Andy, continue shooting in any one of the six huge sound stages currently occupied by 'The Burly Man' (Warner Bros' transparent code for The Matrix).
Silver shyly informs Empire that he has not yet told "the boys" about the Westwood incident, acutely aware that the brothers are already starting to feel the burden of expectation. Empire wonders whether Silver himself is showing any nerves. He rubs his beard and grins: "No, because we got it. We got it. We got the movie right here."
Exactly what Silver and the boys have got, though, remains something a mystery. During a week on set in Sydney, Empire catches glimpses of some of the mammoth sets (in total 150 have been built, including, for one climactic car chase, nearly two miles of freeway at the former Alameda Naval Base in California!), but hears very little about the plot, "We've all agreed," Silver confirms, "to not really say what it's about because we really want people to experience the picture."
What Silver will confirm is that the expanded storyline was fully in place before The Matrix became a $460-million global phenomenon. "Actually the first script ended further than the movie - you actually went to Zion (the last remaining human city), which we really felt we just couldn't do. We had too much story, so we just backed up a little bit. But we knew that the story continued."
Of this continuing story, Silver offers only tantalising details:
- It is not two movies - "It is one enormous movie that's being cut in half." (The action apparently takes place over one 24-hour period.)
- The aforementioned is a "mind-boggling" car chase that takes place within the rules of the Matrix.
- Much of Reloaded is set in the Matrix and concerns itself with Neo coming to terms with "superhero" powers and the ability to "perceive" the mulitple levles and different "programs" of the Matrix.
- Multiple Neos and Agent Smiths will fight. (Look out for a table-top confrontation in a Chinese restaurant and a fight in a mirrored room.)
- The returning principals are joined by Monica Bellucci, who plays an evil Matrix temptress, as well as Nona Gaye (who replaced the late Aaliyah) and Jada Pinkett Smith who play warriors in the PVC-clad Trinity mould.
- Both movies, but mainly Revolutions, will visit "scorced Earth," where "biomechanical machines" terrorise Zion.
All this, and the Wachowskis are not scheduled to start the most ambitious action scene for another couple of weeks. "That," Silver smiles, "is a 14-minute sequence that is the most complicated sequence ever put on film." Indeed, you can forget the widely-copied 'bullet-time' - Silver promises effects shots so complex and expensive that "they will never be attempted again." (The combined budget of the two films is rumoured to be $300 million.) As Silver says of the special effects, "I really think the bar has been raised so high, that there is no bar."
So as long as there's still no spoon...
- Colin Kennedy

media spot | from inside the mind of krix at July 22, 2002 03:48 PM .

Whoa, krix, do you and I think alike when it comes to Tom, too? As in, "none for me, thanks..."?!

Posted by: Lori on July 22, 2002 07:02 PM

Make that three, in "None for Me"
Too short
Too cutesie
Too many teeth
Too much Penelope
Too Tom
Too much not Keanu.

Posted by: Rhonda on July 22, 2002 07:51 PM

jeez! I just LOVE you guys! "Too much not keanu..." I think keanu is the anti-Tom!

Posted by: Lori on July 22, 2002 09:49 PM

"Anti-Tom" LOL


Same old pix that have been posted on the net. Nowt new really.

We're just catching the 2nd wind here in Engerland.

Didn't stop me buying 4 copies though...LOL

Posted by: Keanuette on July 24, 2002 10:14 AM
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