June 14, 2002
News from the DMB

Thank you to Janice for spotting this on the Official Dogstar Message Board:

"Hi Everyone, I just thought I would post and give you an update. Bret is still performing on the 20th at the Viper Room, doors open at 9pm, he goes on at 9:30. Get there early if you want a good spot. We have TONS of people coming, so room may be limited...however, getting in will not be a problem for those of you travelling far. Don't worry, you'll get in. Just get there early if you want a good standing spot.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like Bret is going to be finished with the new album by the time of the show. He is done with all the songs and recording, but he has a few arrangements to finish but will not be able to get it done to be pressed to CD before the show. We have been discussing that he might put out some burned CD's with new songs on them for the show for cost, but he hasn't decided yet. However, the album will be done in the next few weeks and once it is finished being pressed will most likely be sold on CDbaby, or on his website. I think you guys will really like the new stuff, and he is most likely going to do a great cover of Baby Blue by the band badfinger. Not sure if it's in the set yet, but he will figure it out with his next rehersal.

Some people were asking about the music that dogstar writes, and it is true that Bret writes all the lyrics for the songs. Many of the songs are a collaboration of the three of them jammin' it out musically, but there are also some songs that Bret writes completely on his own. On the CD Our little Visionary, he had "Honesty Anyway" already written before he even joined the band. However, all the lyrics are done by Bret. Pretty talented guy!

The trip for Thailand is still underway for those of you asking. Keanu is staying in Australia after finishing filming and Bret and Rob will be flying out to meet up with him and reherse until they fly to Thailand. They land on the 7th to begin their tour. It's small, but effective as once they finish Thailand, they go to Japan for a few shows then back to the states. It's pretty undecided what will happen once they come back to America, but a new album is in discussion. However, plans to bring it about have not been finalized. At this moment, they also might be doing a show in Vegas at Ceaser's Palace...as always, nothing confirmed right now.

Hope this helps you all, and hope to see you at the show on the 20th!!!



And a big whoo-hoo for the plans to play Vegas!
I'm so lucky they enjoy coming to my little town.

dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at June 14, 2002 04:43 PM .

yeah, woo hoo! I'm there, I tell ya!

Posted by: Lori on June 14, 2002 09:39 PM

Looking SO forward to this.

Posted by: krix on June 14, 2002 10:16 PM
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