May 04, 2002
24 DVD

If you love me, you will go here and put in an email address as a vote for "YES! GODDAMMIT I want there to be a DVD of the first season of 24 made, and I want you to tell me when I can get it." Even if you don't care, do it anyway.
I've never seen this kind of thing before, but I guess they are trying to see if there is enough interest.
Well I have enough intrest for the whole lot of you, so use your secondary or spare email and stuff this box for me, ok?
I have all the episodes on tape, but really, a DVD of 24 would be a very good thing. Especially for those who haven't had a chance to see the absolute best television ever...
There was no episode this week and I'm having Kiefer pangs.

Oh, and I'm taking part in the Verisign meme.
Because there's some bad toads at Verisign that make the baby lemurs cry. Click on this word: Verisign, and see why Verisign is so very bad.
If you have a site, and want to help with the Verisign meme (and if you have a site, you should because someday this could happen to you), you can go here and see just what the hell this is all about.

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at May 04, 2002 03:59 PM .

krix, I'm there! I owe my Kiefer/24 discovery to you, and so I'll vote for the DVD as many times as possible. I WANT IT!!


Posted by: Lori on May 4, 2002 04:24 PM

Thanks, Lori.
Only 3 hours left of this season. They better renew it for the fall.

Posted by: krix on May 4, 2002 04:55 PM

Just voted three more times, krix, with all my other emails. I STILL WANT IT! 'cause I haven't seen most of it...

Posted by: Lori on May 5, 2002 12:04 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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