November 23, 2001
Film News

Here's a tidbit on what Reeves might be up to next summer.

Keanu Reeves in police corruption movie

Keanu Reeves is to star with Dennis Quaid in a US police drama.

The film Time For A Killing is based on the Rolling Stone magazine article The Murder of Notorious B.I.G.

The article covered an investigation by Los Angeles Detective Russell Poole into gangland killings and police corruption.

His probe focused on police involvement in the deaths of rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G, alias Biggie Smalls.

Reeves will play the investigating officer in the film about the scandal which swept through the Los Angeles Police Department.

Quaid is to play the Mr Fixit who organises contract killings and payments to police officers who assist The Mafia.

The project, backed by FilmFour, is scheduled to go into production next summer.

cinema | from inside the mind of krix at November 23, 2001 03:11 PM .
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