January 12, 2004
I have a new keychain that says "Rock On", it rocks

While I was frittering away my weekend with shopping and band practice,
POTD club sent out several interview links in addition to (as always) some great Keanu pictures...

Swoooon. Thanks POTD

Tribute.ca has a Matrix cast interview and also a interview with Keanu.

B.L. Why do you think that these Matrix films are so popular?
K.R. Because they rock! (laughs)

B.L. I totally agree, but...
K.R. They totally rock, man. There is so much movie on the screen, there's ideas, there's kung fu, there's interesting relationships. I think that they are ethical, moral. The taste, the aesthetic, and how much movie is on the screen. I enjoy and respect and I feel that from the filmmakers. I think that they are fun, I think that they are provocative and I think cinematically they're unique. I think the acting and the relationships that you see in the films, the editing and the music, the style, the content is just really unique. They are great, get some popcorn sit down and watch the Matrix. You know what I mean, all of them. I think that the care that Larry and Andy Wachowski - the writers/directors - what they have put in these movies is just cool.


B.L. Now you are shooting Constantine.
K.R. Constantine rocks.

B.L. It's based on the comic hero Hellblazer, how cool is that?
K.R. It';s awesome. Now working with (director) Francis Lawrence, it's his first feature and I don't know, we are four weeks in and I'm working with Rachel Weisz and it's a great script, it's conceptual, it has great ideas and it's a fun character and great crew and hopefully people will like it. I am working right now, which is great. It's a great part and I hope it will turn out.

Read this whole interview here.

Also, there are Keanu article/interviews on Reloaded and Revolutions at PreVue magazine's Matrix archive.

media spot | from inside the mind of krix at January 12, 2004 11:17 AM .

Keanu looked hot at the Revolutions premiere. I just wish they had come back to London...:(

Posted by: Keanuette on January 12, 2004 03:31 PM

if you can, watch the video of that interview! to hear (and see!) him say "they ROCK!" is an absolute joy...

Posted by: lori on January 12, 2004 04:46 PM

Krix, your post ROCKS!

Posted by: :: jozjozjoz :: on January 12, 2004 05:35 PM

*Keanu Devil Horns*

Posted by: Tabitha on January 13, 2004 06:30 AM
What's on your mind?.....
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