April 16, 2003
Not that I ever win anything anyway

I just realized that there's NO WAY I can enter the Zap2It Matrix Premiere contest because there is no way I could choose one person to take with me.

red pill | from inside the mind of krix at April 16, 2003 11:17 PM .

of course you could, krix. mememememe! ;)

Posted by: Lori on April 17, 2003 05:10 AM

Hey, I even entered and I now live in L.A. I work a quarter mile from where the premiere will be held in Westwood, so, right after work I will
head on down to the theatre and try to catch a glimpse of the stars...I'll keep ya informed.

I'm hoping the premiere won't start until @ 6 pm or after that. But, I will be ready. Any other Keanu fans in L.A. who want to come down, let me know.


Posted by: Dil on April 17, 2003 12:41 PM
What's on your mind?.....
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