April 07, 2003

I just noticed on the Matrix OS, there is a new button and link to PROTECT.ORG.

Protect is a national pro-children, anti-crime membership association dedicated to providing political strength and leadership for the protection of abused, exploited, and neglected children. We are founded on the belief that our first and most sacred obligation as parents, citizens, and members of the human species is the protection of children from harm. We believe that this must be done with the same formidable resources and seriousness of purpose with which we defend our other vital interests, whether financial, constitutional or ideological.

Kudos to Andy and Larry Wachowski for their interest and involvement on the PROTECT National Advisory Board.

I have to read more about this organization, but I'll keep protect.org in mind when deciding on a cause for this year's Blog-a-Thon...

red pill | from inside the mind of krix at April 07, 2003 08:43 PM .

Ok, I'll leave a comment. Yes, very good of them to participate and a good idea for the blogathon...

Posted by: Keanuette on April 13, 2003 08:28 AM
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