August 27, 2002

September's Keanu calendar is up.

click to go to the calendar page

Only 5 days to Keanu's birthday. If I could know it would actually get to him, I would send him a Forge de Laguiole / Chateau Laguiole sommelier series Corkscrew and something(a Bordeaux perhaps?) vintage 1964. Along with a pair of nice glasses (does Dale Chilhuly do drinking vessels? I don't think so, maybe some Riedel crystal, then) and possibly my phone number...

What would you get Keanu for his birthday?

doodles | from inside the mind of krix at August 27, 2002 11:54 AM .

me all wrapped up in a big red bow. ;)

Posted by: kat on August 27, 2002 12:35 PM

If money was no object, I would send him a 1998 vintage bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild.
Although, I can think of many things I would like to GIVE him. But I won't go there......

Posted by: Rhonda on August 27, 2002 01:58 PM

What a complex question! High road or low road? Hmmm... I'd give him my friendship; what he did with it would be up to him. *sigh*

Posted by: Lori on August 27, 2002 07:47 PM

And I, being the lecherous, roguing wino, who is often given to song, and much debauchery, choose to take the low road. Ah, such a journey.

Posted by: Rhonda on August 27, 2002 08:14 PM

Aw, Rhonda, *somebody's* gotta do it! ; )

Posted by: Lori on August 27, 2002 09:04 PM

I would serenade him with the song of his choice, give him a bottle of his favorite merlot and a lovely scarf. He seems to like scarfs. And maybe a book of Shakespeare sonnets.

Posted by: Jena on August 27, 2002 10:35 PM
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