June 27, 2002
Bad News

Bad News about the Dogstar shows from the DMB:

Hi Everyone, I guess I have the responsibility to give you the bad news. Due to scheduling conflicts, it looks like the Asian tour is being put on hold. It has been reconfirmed as of now to be on Oct 11th when they play in Thailand and after that they are trying to schedule shows in Japan. This, however, affects the Ceasar's Palace show and doesn't look like it will happen. Keanu is not going to finish filming on time to do the tour. So, right now things are a bit up in the air.

The good news is, the boys are trying to get a westcoast tour travelling in Nevada, Arizona, California, New Mexico (?), and other surrounding states. No idea when it will take place, but it is in the discussions.

The other reason this may be good news is that it may give the boys a chance to get in the studio and put together a new album before they tour. However, this is not confirmed or even known if possible.

I'll keep you posted.



Ah well, At least they plan on coming to Nevada at some point.
And I'm always up for a So. Cal. trip.

dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at June 27, 2002 12:36 PM .
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