April 29, 2002
Bad Boys

BAD BOY Curtis-from the movie Truth or Consequences, NM. Kiefer directed it, it's a great flick.
Looking for a quirky movie with guns, drugs and bad, bad boys and you already have Feeling Minnesota memorized? Well, check out Truth or Consequences, N.M. If you like FM, you'll enjoy this one.

And while I'm on the Kiefer...errr, I mean subject, www.i-love-kiefer.com is full of creamy Kiefery goodness, if you're into that sort of thing. Oh come on, I can't be the only one cheating on Keanu with Kiefer!
By the way, I expect to be pretty grumpy since 24 won't be on this week, dammit.
And there's only 3 hours left this season!
I'm SO GLAD I've taped them all.

And speaking of bad boys, you know how I love Hoopty, right?
Well, his band, The Vincent Van Go-Go has a new CD out.
Check out the Hooptygroove in the MP3 section and if you dig it like I know you will, Buy the NEW CD - You Are Here.
And if you're in the bay area, check out Hoopty's Blog for info on the CD release party.
Babies, you'll be so hip it hurts!

off topic | from inside the mind of krix at April 29, 2002 12:52 PM .
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