February 08, 2002
Best Question

This isn't from the chat, but it's a nice picture anyway....
Well, I was going to save this to post on Valentine's day, but what the hell....
This is from Keanu's AOL chat last February promoting Sweet November. I think this was the best question of the entire chat, and I'm not just saying that because it was mine.....Oh alright, maybe a little.

Mr. Moviefone: That's amazing. It looks like Matrix-something (note: that would be me, MTRXHZU) says: Thanks for spending part of your Valentine's Day with us, Keanu. Would you consider yourself a romantic?

Keanu Reeves: Yeah.

Mr. Moviefone: How?

Keanu Reeves: Not only in romance, but there's a certain part of me, especially coming out of a lot of like the kind of -- if you consider the tragedy of "Hamlet" or Romeo and Juliet, in the kind of melancholic aspect, and in romance, being with someone and saying, "Let's go. Let's get out of here." Impromptu acts or letters or phone calls or paying attention to what they like or love, and surprises, all those kinds of things to me are -- if you're in that situation, are quite fun to not only give, not only to receive, but also to give, you know.

Mr. Moviefone: All the young girls are crying over their computers right now. They're broken down, weeping.

For a full transcript of this chat and others, AOHell users can search keyword:LIVE for Keanu Reeves.
God, I sound like a shill for Time/Warner......ick.

media spot | from inside the mind of krix at February 08, 2002 03:08 PM .