November 25, 2001
Losing my Dogstar Virginity

Exactly one year ago, tonight, almost to the minute of this post, I saw Dogstar live for the first time.
My seat was front row, right in front of him, and I remember the first thought I had was, oh my god, he looks just like the pictures.
I was afraid to actually look at him half the time, for fear he'd catch me. I spent a good part of the show watching his hands, following the notes to the heavy bass tones that were pounding me and the whole room. At one point he held his bass out and thumped it aginst his chest and ROARED at us.
That was it.
That was the true moment of my undoing. It was then I knew why he smelled like power in my dreams of him.
I didn't take any pictures that night, but I do have his set list, with bootprint and everything, as a souvenir.
It was my first show, and now I have seen them seven times in a year. I'm very very lucky. One friend calls me jaded. And while nothing will ever equal that feeling of him being right there for the very first time, each show has different memories. I've had a chance to talk to Bret about music, and pushed my phone on Rob so he could talk to my friend who couldn't make a show. The timing and circumstances have never been right for me to have the chance to spend a moment with Mr. Reeves attention, and that's OK. I really enjoy the band well beyond the bass player, and I will continue to see any shows I can.
Rock on Dogstar, when you gonna release those new songs anyway?

dogstar rocks | from inside the mind of krix at November 25, 2001 09:12 PM .
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