November 07, 2001
Peek at Revisited

Over at The Matrix Official Site you can catch a sneekpeek of Revisited.
Here's a couple of nabbed images from one of the video clips.

Wow. Look at that! I'm a total slut for a guy that can kick like that....uh, I mean, nut. You know, crazy but not in a scary way......Yeah, that's it.'s another pic:

Ooooooh...fake kung-fu fighting makes me hot, too....and by hot I mean all enthusiastic about going out and buying this DVD...yeah!
Man, who am I fooling?.. And these are just clips. I'm gonna be a freaking mess on the 20th.
I seriously LOVE to watch him work.
By the way, I put the site name on the pictures so go over there and watch the stuff and buy the DVD and all that jazz. OK? Spiffy!

(OH, and Mr. WB mole, please don't sue me....thanks)

red pill | from inside the mind of krix at November 07, 2001 02:52 PM .